Weber High School

Recent Class Posts
Was just reflecting on classmates, thinking we all need all to reach out to friends while we still can. But first, I had this wonderful (LOL) memory of an incident with Dennis. We lived about 3 blocks apart in Roy.
We were kinda into model rockets so, "naturally", we decided to make one, starting by making some rocket propellant. In his mother's kitchen. Melt some brown sugar in a pot and then add salt peter. Stir gently.
After the stuff exploded in the pan it threw sticky, burning, molten brown sugar all over their kitchen, set the sink window curtains on fire. As I recall, his mom got a new kitchen and we didn't do any more experiments.
Hope this note finds you feeling blessed.

60th Reunion last note... -
CLICK HERE for pictures of the event !!!
Everybody there got to meet and enjoy old friends
We missed you if you weren't !!!
Warrior Date: Saturday, September 17, 2022
Warrior Place: John Rhees' home - 8940 Eagle Way, Huntsville, UT 84317
Time: Started 5:00 PM; Eats 6:00 - 7:00; and then we had a great time socializing.
Food: Light dinner and soft drinks were provided!
Happy Birthday! Thinking of you
Happy birthday. wish you could be with us on the 17th
thanks for all that you ave done to help us

Links to other weber high classes -
As More…
(Click on the year)
- Class of 1959
- Class of 1960
- Class of 1961
- **
- Class of 1969
- Class of 1970
- Class of 1980
- Class of 1982
- Class of 1984
- Class of 1985
- Class of 1986
- Class of 1988
- Class of 1990
- Class of 1991
- Class of 1995
** You can share this link with friends who would like to view our site:

Links to other weber high classes -
(Click on the year)
- Class of 1959
- Class of 1960
- Class of 1961
- **
- Class of 1969
- Class of 1970
- Class of 1980
- Class of 1982
- Class of 1984
- Class of 1985
- Class of 1986
- Class of 1988
- Class of 1990
- Class of 1991
- Class of 1995
** You can share this link with friends who would like to view our site:

Brief update 11/13 and 3/14 -
For sure awhile since the last real site content update... ...not anyone's plan, just where we are... ...carrying out the 50th Reunion - and finding all the info we could on classmates who've left us - was a real roller coaster ride, on which many busted hump for months... ...to the point of neglecting other priorities to which they've returned.
....Still, we've collected a ton of pictures and words - both of the nostalgic variety and all the life sketches most of you have posted - and we're all free to add more and use the site to stay in touch. So we hope what's already here is a good resource.
And going forward, with this platform already up and running - we'll be able to focus on future events rather than on setting up and getting word of a web site out to you.
Meanwhile, welcome to our two newest (post Reunion) site members, Carol Wilson Hull and Kazuko Hori Shiotani..!!
We also haven't finished the In Memory pages for classmate passings reported since the reunion - at least not to the standard of most of the memorial pages and hope to remedy that relatively soon.
Finally, we've had a report that indicates the likely passing of Joyce Smith in 2003. However, while we believe the report is correct, despite considerable effort we have not been able to find a death record, obituary or other real confirmation of this despite making a considerable effort. If any of you can help verify (or contradict) the report, it would be much appreciated.
(This update: 11/17/2013

Site Header -
The official site of the Warrior Class of 1962!
"For Weber High we stand..."

60th Reunion last note... -
of our 60th Reunion in 2022 -
and a good time will be had by all who attend
One more time.....
...Celebrate our 60th Reunion!
No cost, no mandatory pre-registration,
all you HAVE to do is SHOW UP and enjoy old friends...!!
Warrior Date: Saturday, September 17, 2022
Warrior Place: John Rhees' home - 8940 Eagle Way, Huntsville, UT 84317
Time: Starts 5:00 pm - Eats at 6:00-7:00 - Hang out from 7:00 to whenever...
Food: Light dinner and soft drinks provided! (You're also more than welcome to furnish any of your own specialties.)
(OPTIONAL) RSVP (and any questions) to:
Tom Grimm trgrimm@gmail.com or call Nancy Sivulich 801 721 - 3909 but more than that, we'd just love to see as many classmates (and mates) show up to hang out with each other.....
Happy Birthday Sharon! Hope it was a great one