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Find and click on your name.


•   Ivan Anderson  11/3
•   Charles Groberg  11/4
•   Dennis Mansfield  11/4
•   Carol Greenwell (Messerly)  11/5
•   Danny Palmer  11/6
•   Luana Creamer (Middleton)  11/9
•   Marilyn Saunders (Cheney)  11/14
•   Nicole (Cheryl) Davis (Bennett)  11/16
•   Kenneth Knight  11/16
•   Richard Crawford  11/21


Know the email address of a missing Classmate? Click here to contact them!



The official site of the Warrior Class of 1962!  

"For Weber High we stand..."

CLICK HERE to see who attended our 60th Reunion (9/17/22)

CLICK HERE  for pictures of the event !!! 

Everybody there got to meet and enjoy old friends

We truly missed you if you weren't !!!


Warrior Date:  Saturday, September 17, 2022

Warrior Place:  John Rhees' home - 8940 Eagle Way, Huntsville, UT 84317

Time: Started 5:00 PM; Eats 6:00 - 7:00; and then we had a great time socializing.

Food:  Light dinner and soft drinks were provided!

Click here or on "Recent Classmate Posts" to see what others are posting


As helpful as our website is for reaching out to our classmates, here are links to known websites for other Weber High classes.  Hope you find who you are looking for...

  (Click on the year)

** You can share this link with friends who would like to view our site:


Click here for Audio: "A Day at Weber '62" (& some oldies)


February 3, 2013 - Volume 51, Issue 3

* major changes to the website (2/13) *

Class Creator has re-written the program for the web site.  You've noticed the new look, and more more updates are "in the pipeline." Some buttons have been relocated and the main page is now centered in the browser.  Let us know how you like the the changes.  We want to keep the site looking fresh!

Speaking of whilch, you can now interact directly with us on the Home Page (below). Send site comments, "Letters to the Editor,"  reminiscences of any Reunion, Q's,  or if you know anyone who's lost site access.

ALL Previous Editions of the Class of '62 Web Trumpeter are being saved on the site.  Press the Trumpeter Archives button on the  top to access them.

Reunion Pics Reorganized:  

Nearly all of our Reunion Pictures - from the 30th, 40th, and 50th Reunion are now under the (now renamed) "Reunion Photos" button (left side of page).  There are some dupes and other glitches in the new program, but we're working on them....

Here's a few more samples from our 50th....  

And more......

Remember: You can also post your own Reunion pics.. ..and please do (on the Reunion Photos page, please)!! 

More Classmate Facts from the Reunion Program

A re-presentation (over time) for attendees and "the didn't make its"  [See Trumpeter Archives (button on the top) for previous "phacts"...]

Did you know......??

–  Iron man:  This classmate completed six “Ride the Rockies” 400+ mile bike tours from 2005-2010….  …John Dinsdale

–  This classmate and her husband started the nonprofit Emergency Medical Education Co.  She was also a “Molina Health Care Hero,” receiving that org’s 1st Humanitarian Award as EMT Instructor-Coordinator of the year for Utah and 1st National Runner-up… …DeAnn Ekins (Barnson)

–  Hot and hazy with a chance of showers:  This classmate was a weather girl for the Central Command Network Station in the Panama Canal Zone…  … Anita Mapes (Kersey)

–   These shoes were made for...   This Classmate walked the California Coast route in the Big Sur Marathon…. …..Rena Prevedel (Rossotti)

...All names above are live links to profiles...

"Pop Quiz" Q's (given by Connie Chaitlin) at the Reunion...

See Trumpeter Archives (button on the top) for Q's 1-4

  5. What two record-setting classmates are listed in the Weber State University Athletic Hall of Fame (one for track, the other for football and baseball)?

  6. Who has skydived with each of her grandchildren when they turned 16 – and has more grandchildren to go?

...Answers at the end of the issue (*Scroll down*)!

(More) From the Wayback Machine:

From David Stanger's Scrapbook.... ...Wilson Lane Cub Scouts

And this from Jane Chugg Renstrom - Plain City Elementary Class....

*Pop Quiz Answers:

5. The two WHS ’62 grads in the Weber State U Hall of Fame – with still unbroken records – are Lyle Johnston (football and baseball) and Darol Wintle (javelin).    

6.. The classmate who’s skydived with several of her grandchildren when each turned 16 – with more to go – is Thelma Johnson (Oleson).

We'll explain changes effecting how you use the site once we've worked more with them - and we think you'll love some yet to come. Here's one....  ...Tablet (iPad or Android) users now have (almost) the same view of the site that PC's do.

  "In Memory" Profiles      Updated 2/2/13

Our goal is sharing something of the stories of our deceased Classmates. Memorial pages have been posted for ALL we know of - covering the period 1959-2013, i.e., from sophomore year to the present.

As noted in the previous issue our most recently passed classmates are:

Karen Knight (11/6/12) N. Mondell Neville (12/6/12)

Karen's obituary is posted, but no obit is yet available for Mondell. We are still  gathering more information about both for further posting.

Some pages are more complete, but we include all we can locate. Thanks to Earl Henstra,  Jim Maynard KellerTom GrimmLinda Fowers Thurgood, Richard Crawford, and others - and to Wendy Simmons Johnson (daughter of classmates Serge Simmons and Jane Chugg Renstrom) for a great effort!

Your own remembrance comments and addtional materials you have to add are always valued!

Your Space:  What's up?

You must be logged in to submit this survey. Please use the login box in the upper right corner.

1)   How do you like the site changes?

2)   Are you having any problems (new or old) with using the site? If so, please describe these.

3)   Any specific suggestions for features or content you'd like to see added to the site?

4)   Please use this space for "Letters to the Editor" or Reunion memories you'd like to share with the Class....


Welcome to the Weber Class of '62 website! 

165 Registered Members!

A big "Miles Laetus" to you all!  Please keep REACHING OUT to those who haven't joined and help the class re-gather!


Standing, L to R:  Lyle Johnston, Fred Stettler, Pat Bain (Turner), Suzanne Wood (Ferre), Harry Carver.  Sitting: Mike Streight, Ibrahim Kiris, Karen Knight

Visting Classmate Profiles

   on  Classmate Profiles means an update since your last visit.  You can also see just the latest changes   and even "surf" profiles:  

More pages of Interest (with last updates shown)  

Reunion Photos - 2/2/13  •  Your Shared Pics (Albums by the Committee and Classmates) - /2/213)

Weber before "We"....         Updated 4/23/12

The ONLY pic we've found of Weber in winter ('47).  Bonus Q: How many dogs can you find?  


This one's both before and during our Weber days: G Spike pics of Roy C. "Dorian Gray" Metcalf...  ...if we ever thought we could put one over on him, he'd seen it all...  ...many times!

(Our best Photoshopping can't make out the '47 text.  It starts with a quote about, we think, courage from William Howard Taft.)


Another burning Q. answered:  Why were our most fancy dances called "Proms"?   The '34 "Spike" has the (stylish) answer. Step to the right in unison, now....


WHS in '47 - before our Gym...  ...and a game was on...!


Ever wonder where "Wahlquist Jr. High" got its name?  Wonder no more...

Thanks for "coming back to class!"

The Weber '62 Fifty Year Reunion Committee
• and "The Plumbing Crew" 

Jim Maynard Keller, Site Co-Admin 
Linda Fowers Thurgood, Site Co-Admin
Richard Crawford, Site Co-Admin


 More site info            Updated 7/13/12 

Click on  Donate  to help with future class costs. Any amount's appreciated!

If you're in touch with any Missing Classmates, submit info and/or let them know about the site!  

In Memory lets you tell us of a classmate passing or comment


 We have no pics of 2 classmates (out of 403).

Our "pictureless people" are  Karin Chatwin and Peggy Larsen

Please submit any, old or new! (Try elementary school pics!)



Committee members stuffing envelopes with invites... get the party started!!

Left to Right: Karen Flinders Batchelor, Rhea Montgomery Schade, Bonnie Mason Creer, Sandy Garner Grimm, Tom Grimm, Fred Stettler, Linda Fowers Thurgood, John Rhees.


Lunch time.......!

'Stat City'  8/2/12  -  162 classmates (over 45% of living classmates and 53% including classmates who have passed away) have joined.  About 30 per day check in on the site and 115 in a recent month.  Over 850 visits from 35 states (and other countries) have been made and over 1900 messages have been exchanged.  Our "all time high" is 60 visits in one day.  
We share about 20 messages/day and view about 12 pages/visit - mostly Classmate Profiles looking for each other's stories!  Meanwhile (only) a third of us have Uploaded Photos Have you?? Please do!!

TIP: Words underlined in a different color than their text are usually 'live links' which can take you to pages you'd otherwise have to dig for




The official site of the Warrior Class of 1962!  

"For Weber High we stand..."